Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Strength and Weakness

I've been doing a lot of quiet introspection on myself today. I have been thinking about my weaknesses and strengths. Today has been all about acknowledging my weaknesses and recognizing my strengths.

One of my thoughts turned towards a scene from the end of the movie : the Never-ending Story. The scene begins with Atreyu looking for Falcor on an island as the Nothing attacked them. He meets up with the huge stone giant, Rock Biter that appeared at the beginning of the film. The giant was saddened by loss of his traveling companions. His line goes something like : "Look at these hands. Such strong hands..." He was lamenting that he couldn't save his friends. That he wasn't strong enough to hold onto them. As a kid, I was always sad when I watched this scene. Today, It makes me dwell on the notion that I am not strong enough. I often get like that when I also watch movies/TV shows like He-Man or Man of Steel. That I would never be THAT strong. I'll never be as strong as Superman or the Rock Biter or even He-Man. This lamenting and dwelling on the want for extraordinary strength is a fault of mine, a weakness. Or at the very least, it is a perceived problem/weakness.

Acknowledging weakness is the first thing you can do in facing your problems. You plant your feet and face them. You don't turn away. You don't ignore them. And just by acknowledging that they are there is a very potent thing. The next thing is doing something about them. I have many faults/weaknesses: I'm lazy. I run away from/not think about big decisions. I dwell too much in my past. I have doubts about almost everything. I constantly dwell on how unsure I am. That's just a few. 

All through today I have been soul searching my way through these weaknesses. I am finding many ways to deal....to do something about them. And just by knowing they are within in me and that I have the power to DO something about them is a potent thing.

When I turn my thoughts to strength or the strengths in myself. I know I don't need to be as strong as He-Man to do these great things. Looking over the past few years that I have lived through, I KNOW that I have some sort of extraordinary strength in me because I know I couldn't have gotten through  those years without the strength within me. I persevered through. I persisted. The power was always there. I just never saw it then. With quiet contemplation and with learned wisdom, I can finally see the energies that pervaded my life. 

That's one weakness or problem down....more to go....

I thank the universe for Odin, Thor, Freya, Jesus, Heimdall, my Mother, my ancestors, and even Loki. Hail and Thank you to all those energies in my life!

A bit about Wyrd and Orlog

It is how we react (orlog) to the challenges that life puts in our way (Wyrd) that makes a difference in our lives. We have the power to change/influence/shape/overcome the things that come our way! 

He-man said it best- "I have the power!" And you do too!!!

The Struggle

An internal conflict, an internal struggle or war is not necessarily a bad thing. For in struggle, we find change. It can either be a change that helps us grow and expand ourselves or it will be a change that makes us contract or retreat into old thoughts and feelings. 

I am experiencing an internal conflict of the spirit right now. My spiritual beliefs are being challenged, tested, tried, measured, examined and reexamined. I'm OK with this conflict! I'm OK because I'm choosing expansion! I'm choosing to grow from this struggle. 

Internal struggles are good things whether you're struggling with gender identity, coming out, the day to day monotony of it all or what have you. You can either learn and grow from the struggles inside or you can contract into old thought patterns/behaviors. 

It's within these struggles we find out who we really are! That's a key thing nowadays is to help awaken ourselves to who we really are.

Eiður Words--> Wise Words

I am a wanderer. I am a horizon seeker. I am a wide-faring Folk. But I do not forget nor dishonor the footsteps of the people (especially my family) that have come before me. I walk in those footsteps. I carry those footsteps within me. 

I always live by a simple statement that speaks to my heart : To ignore a piece of wisdom, whatever and wherever its source, is to be un-wise.